consumption of meat & eggs
Meat and eggs are extremely high in saturated fats and cholesterol. Carnivorous animals can metabolize these in almost any amount without adverse effects. vegetarian species, including humans, have trouble with any amount of saturated fats and cholesterol above the small amount required by the body. Over a period of time, the excess builds upon the inner walls of the arteries causing arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) which leads to heart disease and stroke.
Heart disease is the cause of nearly half the deaths in the United States and many doctors are recomending daily exercise and/or a vegetarian diet when one is at risk. "A vegetarian diet can prevent 90-97% of all heart diseases."
-The Journal of the American Medical Association.
"Vegetarians have greater longevity and a significantly lower rate of cancer as compared to non vegetarian who eat meat."--------The American National Institute of Health.
The time takes red meat to travel through the digestive tract is approximately five days, whereas a vegetarian meal takes about one day. The carniv- erous animals have digestive tracts proportionally 75% shorter than hum- ans. Meat also decays quicker than other foods and irritates intestinal tissues, hightening the risk of cancer of the colon and diverticulosis (this is when small pockets develop in the intestines and colon and trap food particles). When you barbecue a steak, the fat dripping into the fire can produce a by-product called benzop- yrene one of the chief cancer-producing agents in tobacoo smoke. The benzopyrene goes up in the smoke from the burning charcoal and coats the steak. Thus a two-pound steak, well-done, can contain as much benzopyrene as 600 cigarettes. Methylcholanthrene, another chemical strongly linked to cancer, is formed when the fat in meat is heated to a high temperature whether the meat is barbecued, broiled or fried.
Sodium nitrite are used as preservatives to slow gown putreſication inall curedmeat products. Under certain conditions, nitrates combine with amines found in mcats and other foods to form nitrosamines which are called by the FDA. "One of the most formidable and versatile groups of carcinogens yet discovered."
Meat requires at least three times more work from the kidneys (to eliminate nitrogenous waste) than a vegetarian dict. (A percentage of the chemical content of meat is already a waste product, closely resembling the animals urine). Eggs also put a heavy strain on the kidneys and the liver because of their extremely high sulfur content. When the kidneys break down due to overwork and age, wastes are deposited throughout the body and sometimes crystallize in the joints. This causes the painful conditions of arthritis, rheumatism and gout.
When animals and ſish eat plants (and fish cat smaller fish), pesticides and other toxic chemicals are passed on in increasing concentrations. This is known as "biological magnification." Because of this phenomenon, an animal's flesh can contain as much as fourteen times more pesticides than fruits, vegetables, or grains. The buildup of mercury, arsenic and other toxic wastes in fish and shellfish can easily reach dangerous levels as well.
Steroids, arsenic and hormones are universally used to quickly increase the weight of farm animals. Even cement dust has been found added to animal feed. Amphetamines, tranquilizers and hundreds of other drugs are used as well, and many of these are passed onto the consumer. Some of the chemicals in mcat are addictive and so they cause an unnatural craving for meat.
"Antibiotics such as penicillin and tetracycline gradually losing their effectiveness due to routine addition to animal feed,thus developing antibiotic resistant bacteria."--The new england journal of medicine.
Because of filthy, overcrowded conditions, discaseamong factory farm animals is still rampant. A 1972 statistical report by the U.S.D.A. lists over fifty different diseases in animals whose carcesses were passed on for food. In many cases, the discased parts (including cancer tumors) are simply cut away (and sometimes turn up in processed meats and pet food) Studies show that over 90% of the chickens in this country have cancer and over 50% carry the salmonella bacteria. Many countries refuse to import meat because of the low standards in discase and chemical control.
The body cannot use or assimilate protein in its original state. Protein must first be broken down into its component amino acids. There are twenty-three amino acids and all but eight are produced by the body. Although all fruit and vegetables contain most of the eight, there are some that contain all eight. These are: Bananas, carrots, brussls sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, okra, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, summer squash and tomatoes. All nuts, sunflower and sesame seeds, peanuts and beans also contain all cight amino acids not produced by the body.
It is much easier for the body to assimilate amino acids from these foods than from flesh foods. Meat must be cooked to kill the bacteria and worms found in it. Since cooking destroys amino acids, it is recommended to eat plenty of fresh salads or lightly cooked vegetables.
There is evidence that excess protein causes a speed-up in the aging process of the skin. Many famous actresses have cut out red meat to keep their skin looking young.
Through the digestion of foods and from the recycling of proteinaceous wastes, the body has all the different amino acids constantly circulating in the blood and lymph systems. It also has the capacity to store amino acids in the liver and the cells. When the body needs protein, amino acids are withdrawn from this readily available supply.
There has been nuch falsc propogands that iſ you don't cat meat you will not receive enough Vitamin B 12. The fact is, however, that not only is B12 found in plants, but the majority of B12 that the body uses is created by bacterial flora in the intestines. Irorically, meat putreſics in the intestines and hampers this process.The actual Vitamin B12 requirement is so small that one milligram will last you over two years.
Scientific studies have shown that vegetarians are able to perform physical tests two to three times longer than meal-eaters and recover from fatigue in one-fifth the time. We can see in nature that the vegetarian animals such as the horse, oxen and elephant are known for their strength and endurance while the lion, although strong, sleeps twenty hours a day.
The U.S.D.A's Economic Research Service reports that for every sixteen pounds of grain fed to cattle, only one pound of meat is produced.Livestock consume 97% of the nation's legumes and 90% of its grain. Taking into account the irrigation of these crops, the animals' drinking water and the water for meat preparation, a meat diet requires eight times more water than a vegetarian diet.
"Reducing meat production by only 10% would release enough grain to feed 60,000,000 people."
- Jean meyer, Harvard nutritionist.
Meat producers are the number one industrial pollutors in different countries.The slaughter house produces wastes that can be several hundred times more concentrated than raw domestic sewage and is responsible for more than half the water pollution in India. A 1973 New York Post article revealed that one large chicken slaughtering plant was using 100,000,000 gallons of water daily.
"Those who kill animals for food will be more prone then vegetarians to torture their fellow man".
"Truly man is the king of beasts for his brutality exceeds them. We live by the death of others. We are burial places. The time will come when men will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men."
"I have no doubt that it is part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement to leave off eating animals, as surely as the savage tribes have left off eating each other when they came in contact with the more civilized."
"We pray on Sundays that we may have light. To guide our footsteps on the path we tread,we are sick of war, we don't want to fight and yet we gorge ourselves upon the dead". Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends."
"It ill becomes us to invoke in our daily prayers the blessings of God, the Compassionate, if we in turn will not practice elementary compassion towards our fellow creatures".
It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament would not beneficially influence the lot of humankind."
"Thanks be to God. Since I gave up flesh and wine. I have been delivered from all physical ills."
JOHN WESLEY- The founder of methodism.
"The just man takes care of his beast, but the heart of the wicked is merciless"
--Proverbs 12.10
"Then you make your prayers. I will hear not: your hands are full of blood"
-Isaiah 1.15
"He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man"
-Isaiah 66.3
"Thou shall not kill"
Exodus 20.13
"There is not an animal on earth, nor a flying creature flying on two wings, but they are people like unto you".
-Koran, Surah 6 Verse 38
"Who ever is kind to lesser creatures is kind to himself."
-Prophet Mohammad
"Who ever eats raw or cooked flesh, and who ever destroyes a foetus shall be destroyed by us from here"
-Atharva Veda 8.6.23
"Man who harm other creatures do not go to heaven, in spite of their reciting Vedas, giving charity, practicing austerities or performing sacrifice. Harmlessness is a great form of penance. Harmlessness alone is a great penance. Harmlessness is a great gift. This is what the sages always say.
-Padma Purana III 31-25-28.
"Me, he (mam sah) will devour in the next world whose flesh I eat in this life, the wise declare this to be the real meaning of the word flesh (mam sah)"
-Manu Smriti 5.55
"A cruel and wretched person who maintains his existence at the cost of others life deserves to be killed for his own eternal well being.Other wise he will go down by his own actions."
-Srimad bhagavatam 1.7.37
Physiological comparisons
Has claws no skin pores, perspires through tongue sharp front teeth for tearing, no flat molar teeth for grinding intestinal tract 3 times body length so rapidly decaying meat can pass out quickly strong hydrochloric acid in stomach to digest meat.
Has no claws perspires through skin pores sharp front teeth, has flat molar teeth for grinding intestinal tract 10-12 times body length stomach acid 20 times weaker than meat-eaters.
Has no claws perspires through skin pores no sharp front teeth, has flat molar teeth for grinding intestinal tract 12 times body length stomach acid 20 times weaker than meat-eaters.
From today onwards let us all take an oath that we will never eat meat, fish and eggs and become vegetarian. As long as we keep eating these, innocent animals will continue to be killed.
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