Renowned against consumption of meat

Kaushik sharma

 Renowned against consumption of meat


"Those who kill animals for food will be more prone  
 then vegetarians to torture their fellow man".


"Truly man is the king of beasts for his brutality exceeds them. We live by the death of others. We are burial places. The time will come when men will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men.


"I have no doubt that it is part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement to leave off eating animals, as surely as the savage tribes have left off eating each other when they came in contact with the more civilized."


"We pray on Sundays that we may have light
To guide our footsteps on the path we tread:;
We are sick of war, we don't want to fight
And yet we gorge ourselves upon the dead".
Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends.


"It ill becomes us to invoke in our daily prayers the blessings of God, the Compassionate, if we in turn will not practice elementary compassion towards our fellow creatures".


It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament would not beneficially influence the lot of humankind. "


"Thanks be to God. Since I gave up flesh and wine,
I have been delivered from all physical ills."

JOHN WESLEY- The founder of methodism.



"The just man takes care of his beast, but the heart of the wicked is merciless"

--Proverbs 12.10

"Then you make your prayers. I will hear not: your hands are full of blood"

-Isaiah 1.15

"He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man"

-Isaiah 66.3

"Thou shall not kill"

Exodus 20.13


"There is not an animal on earth, nor a flying creature flying on two wings, but they are people like unto you".

-Koran, Surah 6 Verse 38

"Who ever is kind to lesser creatures is kind to himself."

-Prophet Mohammad


"Who ever eats raw or cooked flesh, and who ever destroyes a foetus shall be destroyed by us from here"

-Atharva Veda 8.6.23

"Man who harm other creatures do not go to heaven, in spite of their reciting Vedas, giving charity, practicing austerities or performing sacrifice. Harmlessness is a great form of penance. Harmlessness alone is a great penance. Harmlessness is a great gift. This is what the sages always say.

-Padma Purana III 31-25-28.

"Me, he (mam sah) will devour in the next world whose flesh I eat in this life, the wise declare this to be the real meaning of the word flesh (mam sah)"

-Manu Smriti 5.55

"A cruel and wretched person who maintains his existence at the cost of others life deserves to be killed for his own eternal well being.Other wise he will go down by his own actions."

-Srimad bhagavatam 1.7.37

Physiological comparisons


Has claws no skin pores, perspires through tongue sharp front teeth for tearing, no flat molar teeth for grinding intestinal tract 3 times body length so rapidly decaying meat can pass out quickly strong hydrochloric acid in stomach to digest meat.


Has no claws perspires through skin pores sharp front teeth, has flat molar teeth for grinding intestinal tract 10-12 times body length stomach acid 20 times weaker than meat-eaters.


Has no claws perspires through skin pores no sharp front
teeth, has flat molar teeth for grinding intestinal tract 12
times body length stomach acid 20 times weaker than meat-eaters.


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